Home Code Pi Pico and BME280 Humidity sensor micropython example

Pi Pico and BME280 Humidity sensor micropython example

by shedboy71

In this article we connect a bme280 to a Raspberry Pi Pico and will get the temperature using Micropython

The BME280 Humidity sensor measuring relative humidity, barometric pressure and ambient temperature

The BME280 is as combined digital humidity, pressure and temperature sensor based on proven sensing principles.

The BME280 is register and performance compatible to the Bosch Sensortec BMP280 digital pressure sensor.

The BME280 achieves high performance in all applications requiring humidity and pressure measurement. These emerging applications of home automation control, in-door navigation, fitness as well as GPS refinement require a high accuracy and a low TCO at the same time.

The humidity sensor provides an extremely fast response time for fast context awareness applications and high overall accuracy over a wide temperature range.

The pressure sensor is an absolute barometric pressure sensor with extremely high accuracy and resolution and drastically lower noise than the Bosch Sensortec BMP180.

The integrated temperature sensor has been optimized for lowest noise and highest resolution. Its output is used for temperature compensation of the pressure and humidity sensors and can also be used for estimation of the ambient temperature.

The sensor provides both SPI and I²C interfaces and can be supplied using 1.71 to 3.6 V for the sensor supply VDD and 1.2 to 3.6 V for the interface supply VDDIO.

Technical data

Parameter Technical data
Operation range
Pressure: 300…1100 hPa
Temperature: -40…85°C
Supply voltage VDDIO
Supply voltage VDD
1.2 … 3.6 V
1.71 … 3.6 V
I²C and SPI
Average current consumption (typ.) (1Hz data refresh rate)
1.8 μA @ 1 Hz (H, T)
2.8 μA @ 1 Hz (P, T)
3.6 μA @ 1 Hz (H, P, T)
T = temperature
Average current consumption in sleep mode
0.1 μA
Humidity sensor
Response time (τ63%)
Accuracy tolerance
1 s
±3% relative humidity
≤2% relative humidity
Pressure sensor
RMS Noise
Sensitivity ErrorTemperature coefficient offset
0.2Pa (equiv. to 1.7cm)
±0.25% (equiv. to 1m at 400m height change)±1.5Pa/K (equiv. to ±12.6cm at 1 °C temperature change)

Parts Required

I used a Pico sense hat which has 4 sensors on it, it would be possible to wire up a BME280 sensor

Name Link
Pico Raspberry Pi Pico Development Board
bme280 bme280 sensor
Raspberry Pi Pico with Pico Sense HAT Multi Sensor Humidity, Air Quality, Color, Pressure Sensor Sense HAT for Pico with Inbuilt 1.14” LCD Display

In this image you can see a sense hat attached to a Pico


I used Thonny and this example is written in Micropython

The first part is a library for the bme280

You need to upload this to your Raspberry Pi Pico

Go to File > Save as…
Select the Raspberry Pi Pico
Name your file as bme280.py and press the OK button
And that’s it. The library was uploaded to your board. To make sure that it was uploaded successfully, go to File > Save as… and select the Raspberry Pi Pico device. Your file should be listed there:
After uploading the library to your board, you can use the library in your code by importing the library.

Here is the code for the library, it comes from the github link for the sense hat – if you have time then its worth looking at to look at how you can talk to a sensor

[codesyntax lang=”python”]

from machine import I2C
import time

# BME280 default address.
BME280_I2CADDR = 0x76

# Operating Modes
BME280_OSAMPLE_1 = 1
BME280_OSAMPLE_2 = 2
BME280_OSAMPLE_4 = 3
BME280_OSAMPLE_8 = 4
BME280_OSAMPLE_16 = 5

# BME280 Registers

BME280_REGISTER_DIG_T1 = 0x88  # Trimming parameter registers





class Device:
  """Class for communicating with an I2C device.

  Allows reading and writing 8-bit, 16-bit, and byte array values to
  registers on the device."""

  def __init__(self, address, i2c):
    """Create an instance of the I2C device at the specified address using
    the specified I2C interface object."""
    self._address = address
    self._i2c = i2c

  def writeRaw8(self, value):
    """Write an 8-bit value on the bus (without register)."""
    value = value & 0xFF
    self._i2c.writeto(self._address, value)

  def write8(self, register, value):
    """Write an 8-bit value to the specified register."""
    b[0]=value & 0xFF
    self._i2c.writeto_mem(self._address, register, b)

  def write16(self, register, value):
    """Write a 16-bit value to the specified register."""
    value = value & 0xFFFF
    b[0]= value & 0xFF
    b[1]= (value>>8) & 0xFF
    self.i2c.writeto_mem(self._address, register, value)

  def readRaw8(self):
    """Read an 8-bit value on the bus (without register)."""
    return int.from_bytes(self._i2c.readfrom(self._address, 1),'little') & 0xFF

  def readU8(self, register):
    """Read an unsigned byte from the specified register."""
    return int.from_bytes(
        self._i2c.readfrom_mem(self._address, register, 1),'little') & 0xFF

  def readS8(self, register):
    """Read a signed byte from the specified register."""
    result = self.readU8(register)
    if result > 127:
      result -= 256
    return result

  def readU16(self, register, little_endian=True):
    """Read an unsigned 16-bit value from the specified register, with the
    specified endianness (default little endian, or least significant byte
    result = int.from_bytes(
        self._i2c.readfrom_mem(self._address, register, 2),'little') & 0xFFFF
    if not little_endian:
      result = ((result << 8) & 0xFF00) + (result >> 8)
    return result

  def readS16(self, register, little_endian=True):
    """Read a signed 16-bit value from the specified register, with the
    specified endianness (default little endian, or least significant byte
    result = self.readU16(register, little_endian)
    if result > 32767:
      result -= 65536
    return result

  def readU16LE(self, register):
    """Read an unsigned 16-bit value from the specified register, in little
    endian byte order."""
    return self.readU16(register, little_endian=True)

  def readU16BE(self, register):
    """Read an unsigned 16-bit value from the specified register, in big
    endian byte order."""
    return self.readU16(register, little_endian=False)

  def readS16LE(self, register):
    """Read a signed 16-bit value from the specified register, in little
    endian byte order."""
    return self.readS16(register, little_endian=True)

  def readS16BE(self, register):
    """Read a signed 16-bit value from the specified register, in big
    endian byte order."""
    return self.readS16(register, little_endian=False)

class BME280:
  def __init__(self, mode=BME280_OSAMPLE_1, address=BME280_I2CADDR, i2c=None,
    # Check that mode is valid.
    if mode not in [BME280_OSAMPLE_1, BME280_OSAMPLE_2, BME280_OSAMPLE_4,
                    BME280_OSAMPLE_8, BME280_OSAMPLE_16]:
        raise ValueError(
            'Unexpected mode value {0}. Set mode to one of '
    self._mode = mode
    # Create I2C device.
    if i2c is None:
      raise ValueError('An I2C object is required.')
    self._device = Device(address, i2c)
    # Load calibration values.
    self._device.write8(BME280_REGISTER_CONTROL, 0x3F)
    self.t_fine = 0

  def _load_calibration(self):

    self.dig_T1 = self._device.readU16LE(BME280_REGISTER_DIG_T1)
    self.dig_T2 = self._device.readS16LE(BME280_REGISTER_DIG_T2)
    self.dig_T3 = self._device.readS16LE(BME280_REGISTER_DIG_T3)

    self.dig_P1 = self._device.readU16LE(BME280_REGISTER_DIG_P1)
    self.dig_P2 = self._device.readS16LE(BME280_REGISTER_DIG_P2)
    self.dig_P3 = self._device.readS16LE(BME280_REGISTER_DIG_P3)
    self.dig_P4 = self._device.readS16LE(BME280_REGISTER_DIG_P4)
    self.dig_P5 = self._device.readS16LE(BME280_REGISTER_DIG_P5)
    self.dig_P6 = self._device.readS16LE(BME280_REGISTER_DIG_P6)
    self.dig_P7 = self._device.readS16LE(BME280_REGISTER_DIG_P7)
    self.dig_P8 = self._device.readS16LE(BME280_REGISTER_DIG_P8)
    self.dig_P9 = self._device.readS16LE(BME280_REGISTER_DIG_P9)

    self.dig_H1 = self._device.readU8(BME280_REGISTER_DIG_H1)
    self.dig_H2 = self._device.readS16LE(BME280_REGISTER_DIG_H2)
    self.dig_H3 = self._device.readU8(BME280_REGISTER_DIG_H3)
    self.dig_H6 = self._device.readS8(BME280_REGISTER_DIG_H7)

    h4 = self._device.readS8(BME280_REGISTER_DIG_H4)
    h4 = (h4 << 24) >> 20
    self.dig_H4 = h4 | (self._device.readU8(BME280_REGISTER_DIG_H5) & 0x0F)

    h5 = self._device.readS8(BME280_REGISTER_DIG_H6)
    h5 = (h5 << 24) >> 20
    self.dig_H5 = h5 | (
        self._device.readU8(BME280_REGISTER_DIG_H5) >> 4 & 0x0F)

  def read_raw_temp(self):
    """Reads the raw (uncompensated) temperature from the sensor."""
    meas = self._mode
    self._device.write8(BME280_REGISTER_CONTROL_HUM, meas)
    meas = self._mode << 5 | self._mode << 2 | 1
    self._device.write8(BME280_REGISTER_CONTROL, meas)
    sleep_time = 1250 + 2300 * (1 << self._mode)

    sleep_time = sleep_time + 2300 * (1 << self._mode) + 575
    sleep_time = sleep_time + 2300 * (1 << self._mode) + 575
    time.sleep_us(sleep_time)  # Wait the required time
    msb = self._device.readU8(BME280_REGISTER_TEMP_DATA)
    lsb = self._device.readU8(BME280_REGISTER_TEMP_DATA + 1)
    xlsb = self._device.readU8(BME280_REGISTER_TEMP_DATA + 2)
    raw = ((msb << 16) | (lsb << 8) | xlsb) >> 4
    return raw

  def read_raw_pressure(self):
    """Reads the raw (uncompensated) pressure level from the sensor."""
    """Assumes that the temperature has already been read """
    """i.e. that enough delay has been provided"""
    msb = self._device.readU8(BME280_REGISTER_PRESSURE_DATA)
    lsb = self._device.readU8(BME280_REGISTER_PRESSURE_DATA + 1)
    xlsb = self._device.readU8(BME280_REGISTER_PRESSURE_DATA + 2)
    raw = ((msb << 16) | (lsb << 8) | xlsb) >> 4
    return raw

  def read_raw_humidity(self):
    """Assumes that the temperature has already been read """
    """i.e. that enough delay has been provided"""
    msb = self._device.readU8(BME280_REGISTER_HUMIDITY_DATA)
    lsb = self._device.readU8(BME280_REGISTER_HUMIDITY_DATA + 1)
    raw = (msb << 8) | lsb
    return raw

  def read_temperature(self):
    """Get the compensated temperature in 0.01 of a degree celsius."""
    adc = self.read_raw_temp()
    var1 = ((adc >> 3) - (self.dig_T1 << 1)) * (self.dig_T2 >> 11)
    var2 = ((
        (((adc >> 4) - self.dig_T1) * ((adc >> 4) - self.dig_T1)) >> 12) *
        self.dig_T3) >> 14
    self.t_fine = var1 + var2
    return (self.t_fine * 5 + 128) >> 8

  def read_pressure(self):
    """Gets the compensated pressure in Pascals."""
    adc = self.read_raw_pressure()
    var1 = self.t_fine - 128000
    var2 = var1 * var1 * self.dig_P6
    var2 = var2 + ((var1 * self.dig_P5) << 17)
    var2 = var2 + (self.dig_P4 << 35)
    var1 = (((var1 * var1 * self.dig_P3) >> 8) +
            ((var1 * self.dig_P2) >> 12))
    var1 = (((1 << 47) + var1) * self.dig_P1) >> 33
    if var1 == 0:
      return 0
    p = 1048576 - adc
    p = (((p << 31) - var2) * 3125) // var1
    var1 = (self.dig_P9 * (p >> 13) * (p >> 13)) >> 25
    var2 = (self.dig_P8 * p) >> 19
    return ((p + var1 + var2) >> 8) + (self.dig_P7 << 4)

  def read_humidity(self):
    adc = self.read_raw_humidity()
    # print 'Raw humidity = {0:d}'.format (adc)
    h = self.t_fine - 76800
    h = (((((adc << 14) - (self.dig_H4 << 20) - (self.dig_H5 * h)) +
         16384) >> 15) * (((((((h * self.dig_H6) >> 10) * (((h *
                          self.dig_H3) >> 11) + 32768)) >> 10) + 2097152) *
                          self.dig_H2 + 8192) >> 14))
    h = h - (((((h >> 15) * (h >> 15)) >> 7) * self.dig_H1) >> 4)
    h = 0 if h < 0 else h
    h = 419430400 if h > 419430400 else h
    return h >> 12

  def temperature(self):
    "Return the temperature in degrees."
    t = self.read_temperature()
    ti = t // 100
    td = t - ti * 100
    return "{}.{:02d}C".format(ti, td)

  def pressure(self):
    "Return the temperature in hPa."
    p = self.read_pressure() // 256
    pi = p // 100
    pd = p - pi * 100
    return "{}.{:02d}hPa".format(pi, pd)

  def humidity(self):
    "Return the humidity in percent."
    h = self.read_humidity()
    hi = h // 1024
    hd = h * 100 // 1024 - hi * 100
    return "{}.{:02d}%".format(hi, hd)


You can download from the library from the bottom of this article

After uploading the library to the Raspberry Pi Pico, copy the following code to the main.py.

This will print the temperature, humidity and pressure into the shell every 5 seconds

[codesyntax lang=”python”]

from machine import Pin, I2C
from time import sleep
import bme280

i2c = I2C(1,scl=Pin(7), sda=Pin(6), freq=40000)#all sensor connected through I2C

while True:
  bme = bme280.BME280(i2c=i2c)
  temp = bme.temperature
  hum = bme.humidity
  pres = bme.pressure
  # uncomment for temperature in Fahrenheit
  #temp = (bme.read_temperature()/100) * (9/5) + 32
  #temp = str(round(temp, 2)) + 'F'
  print('Temperature: ', temp)
  print('Humidity: ', hum)
  print('Pressure: ', pres)





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